Wide Range Tax Advantages
Wide Range Tax Advantages
Wide Range Tax Advantages

Western Anatolia Free Zone provides unique advantages for companies with its focus on manufacturing, which generates employment and increases trade volume.

Free Zones offer 100% Income Tax exemption on employee’s salaries for manufacturing companies which export 85% or more of their products in one year. Additionally, companies are not subject to any price of quality restrictions. Free Zones are accepted as part of the Customs Union agreement between Türkiye and the EU, and the goods manufactured in the Western Anatolia Free Zone can be freely sent to EU member countries after an A.TR certificate is issued. In addition, products coming from the countries outside the Customs Union, which are usually subject to Customs Duty, are not imposed any customs duty uponentry into the Western Anatolia Free Zone. However, if goods from 3rd party countries are to be sent directly or as a production input to an EU member after entry into the Free Zone, then Compensatory Taxes must be paid for these goods. Since the Western Anatolia Free Zone is regarded as outside the customs line, imports made here are not subject to import expenditures, such as customs duties or deductions, special consumption tax, etc.